Gregory Blvd Church of Christ

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THIS WEEK            5/19/24                               

Praise the Lord we're open for business!

Rick S - Morning Class
Rick S - Speaker

WEDNESDAY: Study of the Book of Joel - Paul

Bill is doing the announcements and Paul is in charge of the program.

Serving one another is how we help and encourage each other. Please let the Elders know how you can serve.

No man ever spoke like this Man! (John 7:46)  Truly this Man was the SON of GOD . (Mark 15:39)



Communion Preparation - TBD

Collection Counting - Jack/Chris







What is the Bible all about?

 It is about JESUS.  JESUS is the preeminent person in the preeminent book.  GOD the FATHER and the HOLY Spirit testify to CHRIST’S greatness (Mark 9:7, John 14:16; 16:8). HE is the KING, the Prophet, the High Priest, the Lawgiver. CHRIST told the Jews concerning Moses, “He wrote about ME” (John 5:46). John said, “These are written that you may believe that JESUS is the CHRIST, the SON of GOD, and that believing you may have life in HIS name” (John 20:31).

The dispensation of CHRIST is the greatest dispensation, for the apostle calls it the dispensation of the “fullness of time; (Galatians 4:40).  The message of GOD’S preacher is “CHRIST and HIM crucified” (1 Corinthians 2:2).  That was Paul’s theme (1Corinthians 1:21).  In fact, each of the divinely sent preachers of the New Testament preached CHRIST.

No man ever had a grander theme.  The apostle speaks of “the unsearchable riches of yyPaul wrote, “The Law was our tutor to bring us to CHRIST, that we might be justified by faith” (Galatians 3:24).   (author unknown)


Some of the world’s wealthiest people had little money. (Mark 12:41-44) (2 Corinthians 8:1-5,9) (Philippians 2:5-11).  If you have a good name, they you are rich without money (Proverbs 22:1). If you have good health, then you are rich without money (Acts 3:1-10);        ( 3 John 1:2).  If you have friends, then you are rich without money (Proverbs 18:24)              (1 Samuel 23:16) (3 John 1:14). If you have a happy home, then you are rich without money (Proverbs 18:22; 19:14) Matthew 19:3-9) (Ephesians 5:22-33).

If you have a good conscience, then you are rich without money (Jeremiah 17:9) (Romans 14:21-23) (1 Timothy 4:1-2) (Hebrews 13:18).  If you are a part of the New Testament church, then you are rich without money (Acts 20:29) (Ephesians 2:8-9).  If you are a faithful Christian, then you are rich without money (2 Corinthians 1:20)1:3) (2 Timothy 2:10)  (Ephesians 1:3) (Revelation 2:10).  The richest people in the world are not those with the most money but those with great faith. (Anonymous).  Be thankful to HIM, and bless HIS name. Psalm 100:4




Titus Star G Steve S Tony H Dan G
Kim R Jack D Barbara N Ed S Brian R
Carol R Wes S      
Other Health
Sheena     Carolyn G Carroll B Dora B Kristopher B
Jerry & Jean N Juna & Walt R      John R Linda M & Family Daniel
John M McKenzie L     Dakota Jackie D Kari Ann
Ed S Conner B     Harriet N Jane S Gaylene G
Vincent Kristi L Gavin F Haden Daniel
Betty M Shawn C Wylie Phyllis W Michael S
Upcoming Surgeries/Procedures
Elderly & Shut-In
Carol G Jane S Walt R Juna R Shirley V
        Rita P Jean N      
Service Men & Women
Expectant Mothers

Always remember our young people who have grown out of the family home and are pursuing studies and careers, that they continue to seek wisdom from the omni-present Father. And that they continue to hold Him first in their lives.




In 1938 H.G. Wells produced a radio drama show entitled "The War of the Worlds." It thrust Grover Mills, NJ into international limelight as the site of an alien landing where Martians landed. Patterned after a similar "newscast" concerning riots in London by the BBC in 1926 and an invasion of Australia in 1927, the New York Times declared "Orson Wells Causes Panic." An Australian newspaper decried "the mass hysteria in the U.S."

But, research shows that the supposed "reaction" was the biggest hoax of all. Most of the radio listeners were listening to one of the other major radio stations. The FCC said that the 2,000 letters received about the program make supposedly "mass hysteria" reaction a non-event.

Ever since I was introduced to "The War of Worlds" back in high school, I have been struck by the role of the media to create "news" or shape the thinking of society. (Wasn't it Walter Cronkite who shaped the thoughts of generations of Americans?)

I'm not really talking about "fake news" as it is called today, although that is a portion of it. We each carry through our lives unique backgrounds and experiences. These tend to shape what we "see" and influences how we interpret things and how we share information with others.

This came to mind as I read Exodus 23:1-2. "You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit."

Almost daily I receive information on social media that has to be "de-bunked." Unfortunately, often there's no "de-bunker" to strain out the garbage that comes to us each day, except for "The Truth." Only when I use this tool can I be assured of receiving the real story. I must be careful not to just interpret events based on my preconceptions and even more cautious about forwarding something that might not be true.

Jack (8/21/17)


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Last modified: 5/18/24